Mercury's Treads - Stasis. She has above average laning strengths and she can bully most A tiers and below and survive the laning phase against S tier champions. League of Legends Wild Rift Draven Counters are Ziggs, Jinx, and Jhin, which have the best chance of winning Draven in the lane. This is the standard Fiora Wild Rift build which allows her to stand on top of 1v1s almost all the time. Lunar Fighter. As Warwick has a strong early game, try to equal his pressure by ganking just as much as him. Place wards to control vision on rivers, dragons and Rift Herald. 47% 53% Champion Kills. 35% max hp regen stacks up to 10 times for a total of 30-54 armour and 2. Be cautious when fighting an Olaf with low hp. Aurelion Sol wild rift counter tips: Aurelion Sol is quite vulnerable to ganks since he has to push the wave. If playing against a Shen after level 6, always be cautious of fighting because the Shen will make a 1v1 become a 1v2, or 2v2 become a 2v3. Miss Fortune wild rift counter tips: Try to keep her passive down by doing short frequent pokes and harassments. + One of the best champions for solo carrying games. Mundo wild rift counter tips: If Mundo is trying to chase you, move on a “zigzag” way. Riot-approved U. Playlist with Champion Guides: 0:00Abilities explained 0:17Combos: 2:22Builds and R. Wins solo lanes. Try and avoid fighting in the jungle. Try blinding him or reducing his attack speed. He is hard to counter and when you understand his matchups at top you will go even/win most matchups especially if you start DShield. Wukong Wild Rift is strong against: Master Yi, Vi, Amumu . Jax loves items that give him a mixture of both damage and tankiness, so he can do a lot of damage and take a lot of damage simultaneously. In team fights, try to block the engage and Fear Beyond Death from Urgot for your low health teammates. Buy starting defensive item that will make it easier for you to counter Teemo. When soloing with Sett at Top, you need to limit fighting and not let him defeat you early. Darius. Runes for Karma in Wild Rift. Wild Rift URGOT's ABILITIES. This is the recommended build for beginners as the added HP and sustain will help her fight her enemies head-on. You DO NOT want to pick Galio or Singed as they will most likely lose to Fiora. While there is a concept of counter picks, don't forget that it boils down to your own ability to play a certain matchup. Do not group to close together as Miss Fortune will be able to hit your whole team with her Ultimate. Sort by role, rank, region. Warwick uses a mixture of both AD and tank items that allow him to deal damage and survive. And the. Avoid trading with Pantheon when his Passive has lots of stacks as he will deal lots of damage in a trade. Don’t blow your CC abilities when Olaf activates his ultimate, as he can’t be disabled during the duration. If possible, Punish her for missing her Zenith blade. In fact, Riven had an average winrate of 48. With our Wukong guide you will learn which items to build,. You DO NOT want to pick Galio or Xin Zhao as they will most likely lose to Darius. Look out for Vex’s Ultimate Shadow Surge as she can use it to pick enemies off. Samira’s attacks in melee range deal additional magic damage. Alice Labrecque. Punish him if he misses his hook. Orianna greatly depends on her mana. Huge survivability. Wukong Wild Rift at the beginning of the game is extremely strong. . In addition, she can give him a shield and a small speed bonus to rush the enemy even faster. Riftmaker – Grants max health, ability power, ability haste and omnivamp. Debes recordar que algunos campeones tienen mecánicas complejas, te recomiendo que los practiques primero en la herramienta de práctica de League of Legends. The best mega tank junglerInsane jarvan knockupsSleeper J4 pickWild Rift Jarvan Jungle GameplayJ4 Wild Rift GuideLeague of Legends Wild Rift GameplayWild Rif. Avoid team fighting around major objectives if Seraphine is nearby. When Ekko is low hp and you feel that he is about to use his ultimate, ignite him. You DO NOT want to pick Xin Zhao or Galio as they will most likely lose to Renekton. The best counter picks against Shen Wild Rift - Bottom Lane. Gathering Storm – Provides bonus AD every few minutes. Riot-approved U. If you’re an AD champion, avoid getting hit by his Ground Slam, as it will significantly lower your attack speed. Draven Counters. Wild Rift Wukong Guide | Tutorial for Skill Combo, Items and GameplayCheck out our Wukong Wild Rift Guide: where you will learn everything a beginner needs t. You should stand inside or around the minion wave to make it hard for Zeri to harass you. How to counter Wukong ? Wukong wild rift counter tips: Try not to duel Wukong at early levels. Passive: Gains 150 range for his next attack after casting an ability for 5 seconds. O Grande Wukong também está no nosso wildrift um dos melhores jungles da atualidade vai ser mostrado hoje em uma gameplay além de build itens e rotas aonde s. + Strong at all stages in the game. Mage Drunkard. On the other hand, Wukong Top counters Graves, Kennen, Jayce, Vayne and Yasuo. the Monkey King. Poke him in lane as often as you can as it will disrupt his ‘Siphoning Strike’ farming. Stay behind minions to avoid getting hooked. Fires an explosive charge that deals 110 physical damage (25/85/145/205 + 70% ) and slows by 45/50/55. Fizz wild rift counter tips: Any stuns/knockups or huge damage spells should be thrown from up close, or when Skill 3 is on cooldown. Learning and understanding Wukong fundamentals is one way of becoming a better player and climbing the ranked ladder. We consider the best Baron Lane picks this patch to be Darius and Malphite. Elise wild rift. In team fights, try to block the engage and Fear Beyond Death from Urgot for your low health teammates. Quicksilver Enchant. Try to stay behind minions when laning against him as he will always try to cast his Sonic Wave. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. Samira is an attack damage Marksman that is played in the Dragon Lane. Best Champions. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Renekton and Zed are good with. the Monkey King. Our guides are comprehensive and contain builds, runes, summoner spells, combos and much more. Teemo is very strong in the early game with the ability to harass, burn and poke. BLAST SHIELD: Vi gains stacks of Blast Shield when hitting an enemy with an attack or ability. Try not to clump, because Xin Zhao gains additional armor/magic resist with more units struck from his. This is the standard build for Jungle Master Yi Wild Rift which prioritizes Blade of the Ruined King and Statikk Shiv for its passives which aid on ganks and small skirmishes. 3bBest Zed Wild Rift build guide for Season 10 Patch 4. Be wary of standing next to enemy minions, as it provides Braum the opportunity to. When playing this Fighter in the Solo Lane, we rank it as a A-Tier pick. Kayle wild rift counter tips: Watch which build she decides to use be it AD/AP/Hybrid and build accordingly. Stop him from backing in lane will immensely help you because Corki’s abilities cost a LOT of mana. Also Yi doesn't counter Camille, is a match up skill clearly favored for camille. Shen wild rift counter tips: Try to juke Shen’s taunt. Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. Graves is really strong in the early game and he will look to abuse 1v1 fights in the. Lux’s passive deals a lot of damage early game, so stay out of her auto-attack range . 2. Versatile Itemization. Wild Rift WUKONG's ABILITIES. Avoid gathering in groups during combat to reduce the effects of Scatter the Weak. Gwen wild rift counter tips: Extended trades will always work in her favour, especially once she completes an item or two. Best Picks Against Samira : Renekton, Pantheon, Jhin, Akali, Galio,…. Avoid picking assassins. Extended trades work in the favour of Kai’Sa thanks to her Passive. Poke comps, Ziggs and Lux are really good poke champions because of the nature of the aiming system in Wild Rift and that people. Immortal Shieldbow – Increases your attack damage and attack speed and grants physical vamp. . Karma is a very fun and safe champion to play! She is great at keeping your team alive and can pressure a lot in the laning phase to give your Dragon Lane partner a lot of breathing room. This further helps him in fighting even against tanks thanks to true damage given by this keystone. Meanwhile in LOL Wukong is one of the most disgustingly broken champs. Best Champions. Trinity Force. stay behind minions to avoid hook. Neeko wild rift counter tips: A Quicksilver Enchant will get rid of Morgana’s ultimate chains. Kraken Slayer enables Kai’sa to deal true damage upon reaching the third stack especially when she has enough attack speed and while Supercharge is active. 4 Season Season 3 will rank the strongest Baron Lane champions to play in ranked games. Keep an eye on how many empowered stacks she has. Try to put wards near her jungle camps to keep track of her. Dr. Zoe will be looking for picks at the start of the team fight with her Sleepy Trouble Bubble. In order to find him before he engages, guard your sides. Kai’Sa is vulnerable to CC. Avoid fighting in the Dragon or Baron pit as it will allow him to get a good Ultimate Slicing Maelstrom. Active which can deny Vi’s Assault and Battery. You DO NOT want to pick Rengar or Lee Sin as they will most likely lose to Olaf. The best way to counter Sett is to hold off minions and wait for support from your Jungle. Olaf is the best pick against Wukong, Olaf can easily counter Wukong's ultimate knock up with his ultimate Ragnarok which make him have high chance on. If you can, invade his jungle and steal his blue buff, Amumu consumes a lot of. This indicates that he most likely will get first blood versus Teemo. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Nasus and Pantheon are good with Renekton. In Wukong vs Nasus rounds, Wukong’s team is 0. Feel free to try and change my mind but first let's go over the differences. – Great sustain and fast jungle clears. 3 Wild Rift Wukong Runes. Twitch wild rift counter tips: Avoid pushing up too far when you know Twitch has just backed as he may pop up and go for a favourable trade. At maximum stacks, Vi also gains Movement Speed. Sus estadísticas le proporciona gran resistencia a. Jungle Tier List. Deaths. Krayen Slayer is currently the best-in-slot keystone for Urgot. Counter de Wukong. If he is out of vision or goes invisible, start backing away and don’t group with your team or else he might catch all 5 of you in his ultimate. Wukong is a vastayan trickster who uses his strength, agility and intelligence to confuse his opponents and gain the upper hand. With our Zed guide you will learn which items to build, runes to select, skills order, and how to Use Zed Abilities properly. After. Nami wild rift counter tips: Nami’s ultimate is very long, but it travels slowly. Baron Lane Tier List. The second cast makes Camille dash from the wall, dealing physical damage on landing. Riftmaker – Grants max health, ability power, ability haste and omnivamp. Repeat those steps for maximum income. If the dash hits an enemy champion or large monster, they are stunned for a second and Camille gains bonus attack speed for a few seconds. 🦜 El MEJOR canal para MEJORAR¿Quieres mejorar?🤨👇👇HAZ CLIC👇👇 Guías de ADC. ) when Kha’Zix uses his Leap. If he doesn’t clone or dash onto you for the second cast of the spin, and is instead running, you should probably wait it out. . These picks are weak against Wukong at many stages of the game. 6% when countering Wukong with these. Blade of the Ruined King – Grants damage. Garen wild rift counter tips: Try your best to keep your distance from Garen. -> Using cc after she lands. WUKONG. Be sure not to stand in a cluster when looking to team fight. Most Rammus players build heavy armor. Best Sett Wild Rift build guide for Season 10 Patch 4. 3 7. Wild Rift Counter Rating based on strong or weak a counter is based on win rate. Le build recommandé (items, runes, sorts à maxer en priorité. Dealing damage to him will trigger it. Buy starting defensive item that will make it easier for you to counter Teemo. This is the standard build for Nasus Wild Rift which balances offense and defense for a god-like late game presence. In Wukong against Kayn matches, Wukong’s side is 0. Always remember that Kassadin only counters all AP champions so, sending AD champs like Zed, Yasuo, Riven & Fiora in the mid lane. Nick Frijia. Win Champion Select with Wu counters for LoL S13 Patch 13. Taric, Morgana, Thresh) does well against a Blitzcrank. We will explain more in-depth what each one of these means below. On top of that, ornn is a tank while wukong, even with tank items, is more of a flanking tank or offtank, being squishier. Try to pick champions that can CC him (e. Jungle Tier List. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Draven and Olaf are good with Darius. Evelynn wild rift counter tips: Don’t clump up, because more targets hit by her ultimate will give her a bigger shield. Features of Counters Wild Rift. Garen Build. Use items that provide Grevious Wounds like: Mortal Reminder or Morellonomicon. Ahri. Wukong Wild Rift at the beginning of the game is extremely strong. You DO NOT want to pick Graves or Olaf as they will most likely lose to Jarvan IV. Vi can’t be CC’d while casting her ultimate. League of Legends Wild Rift Wukong is a Diver Champion commonly played in the Baron Lane. Miss Fortune wild rift counter tips: Try to keep her passive down by doing short frequent pokes and harassments. See which champion is the better pick with our Teemo vs Wukong matchup statistics. 52% 48% K/D/A. Quicksilver Enchant. Stay behind minions so you won’t get hit by his Mystic Shots. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Darius and Blitzcrank are good with Fiora. On vous donne toutes les astuces et recommandations pour jouer Wukong, le Roi des singes, sur League of Legends Wild Rift. Wild Rift Wukong Guide | Tutorial for Skill Combo, Items and GameplayCheck out our Wukong Wild Rift Guide: where you will learn everything a beginner needs t. Darius. This leads to some bruisers and assassins to go after her first before the carries. If Pyke happens to Q her or an ally, she can Q or Ult. Amumu Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips; Annie Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips; Ashe Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips; Kha’Zix Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips; Brand Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips; Blitzcrank Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips; Aurelion Sol Wild Rift Counter: Champions & TipsOrianna wild rift counter tips: Try not to stand next to her ball, because she can cast Dissonance and do damage around it. He can use the second cast to pull off some nasty outplays, or alternatively might be holding it for a backup ally to take advantage of the second charge. Avoid Trading Near the Minion Wave. All Posts. Renekton wild rift. When stomping on “Yordle Snap Trap” you can use Quicksilver Enchant to remove the. League of Legends Wild Rift Camille Counters. In this Wild Rift Kayn Guide, we’ll simply focus first on the Red or Darkin Kayn build. Best Champions. Sona will seldom win trades if she takes any kind of. Baron Lane Tier List. Punish if he misses his/a hook, as it has a long cooldown. With our Wukong guide you will learn which items to build, runes to select, skills order, and how to Use Wukong Abilities properly. Banshee’s Veil. Akali will try to dive the backline and eliminate the squishiest champions first in team fights. Best Picks Against Fiora: Gragas, Malphite, Lee Sin, Wukong, Fizz…. You DO NOT want to pick Graves or Rengar as they will most likely lose to Amumu. This is an alternative Lulu Wild Rift build if you want to add more protection, defenses and resistance to her. Miss Fortune is very vulnerable when she is channeling her ultimate. Wukong is an AD champion that can be played in the Jungle or Solo lane. 0% of games the champions face one another in. Items counters Singed in wild rift? Rylai’s Crystal Scepter. 9% when countering Wukong with this build. In team fights, avoid grouping too closely when Volibear get Ultimate (Stormbringer). Try and keep trades short so she is unable to activate her Passive on you. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick. Teemo. In fact, Riven had an average winrate of 48. 5% of matches the champs face off with one another in. Wukong and his clones’ attacks and abilities apply Crushing Blows to the target for 5 seconds (max 5). Wukong est un des champions de Wild Rift, le jeu mobile basé sur League of Legends. No problems. Total Damage: 220% AD (+ 2 / 3 / 4% of target's maximum health) Cyclone can be recast once within 8 seconds. Items that counter Irelia. Baron Lane Tier List. 1% more likely to get first blood, implying that he probably will get first blood versus Nasus. Burst Twilight. Id say ban Jax at all cost (don't even think about it, the matchup is unplayable at all stages especially when they take ignite and perma split. Patch 13. This combo works in almost any situation. Removes all crowd control. Great teamfight potential. Jax wild rift counter tips: Avoid attacking him when he turns on his Counter Strike. The Swift Scout. Mundo,… Worst Picks Against Wukong:. Try to dodge Urgot’s Corrosive Charge and Disdain in the laning phase. You DO NOT want to pick Malphite or Galio as they will most likely lose to Garen. Alistar’s Pulverize) and displacements (e. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong. Jayce wild rift counter tips: Keep your distance behind minions to avoid being hit by his long range poke. Divine Sunderer also works well against tanks due to armor penetration. Slows are highly effective against Sona. Malphite en League of Legends Wild Rift. Our build guides will also teach you the basics of how to play each. Trinity Force. Zeri wild rift counter tips: Play overwhelm Zeri before level 6 and try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. Rylai’s Crystal Scepter: Damaging active abilities Slow icon. png slow enemies by 20% for 1 second. Sett is a strong fighter in the early and mid game. Lee Sin is extremely squishy at earlier levels, so try to focus him in. The Best Wild Rift Wukong runes are Conqueror Keyston e, Hunter Vampirism, Hunter Titan, and Pathfinder. 4 in WR. You DO NOT want to pick Malphite or Galio as they will most likely lose to Garen. Evelynn is difficult to keep track of if you ward in the usual locations. At level 6 you should never all-in Wukong when you're both full hp and you both have ult, since it's very likely his cc and clone will delay a full. The Spellblade passive and increased attack speed brings a great deal of DPS for Shyvana. As soon as you reach level 2, you can pounce on the prey and immediately force him to at least lose the flash. Buy Randuins Omen becourse Ashe always crit when frosted (passiv) and that will take 10% off her AA. Lulu. The following items grant lots of ability power and magic penetration, and also allows him to deal true damage. He uses a mix of attack damage with auto-attacks and magic damage with his poke against the enemies to kill them. Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Wukong in Wild Rift ARAM Mode. Rabadon’s Deathcap and Void staff allow Kassadin to deal more damage. LOL Builds; Blog; admin June 25, 2021 December 29, 2021. Garen Counters. It helps Corki on dealing more damage while also effectively gaining more gold than his enemy. 1 since they can freely roam the map. Bursting Rakan down as soon as he engages is highly favourable. Mercury’s Treads. Who can counters Gwen in wild rift? Picking one champion you are familiar with and trying your best… Just make sure that champiom are up to the challenge, and are willing to go all out against this awful champion. This is the standard Zoe Wild Rift build that she can use the oneshot her targets. Try not to stay near walls, as Vayne’s Condemn will stun you if it knocks you back against a wall. League of Legends Wild Rift Wukong Counters are Pantheon, Camille, and Renekton, which have the best chance of winning Wukong in the lane. League of Legends Wild Rift Rammus Counters are Jarvan IV, Shyvana, and Vi, which have the best chance of winning Rammus in the lane. Mundo and Sion. Tank Counter. If Twitch has pushed the wave and left lane, he is either trying to bait you forward and go for a trade, or he has gone to the mid lane with his Support. Kha'Zix is a great counter to Nautilus since he has the great dueling potential that Nautilus lacks. png slow enemies by 20% for 1 second. Just make sure that champiom are up to the challenge, and are willing to go all out against this awful champion. Muramana – Converts Mana to Attack Damage. Make sure the Dragon is always in your line of sight. Rengar wild rift counter tips: Avoid dueling a Rengar when his resource bar is near full, as his skills will become empowered. To lessen the damage you take, stay in the middle of the lane and travel just the path your minions take. Xin Zhao wild rift counter tips: Using CC in the team can destroy the early game of Xin Zhao. Meanwhile, Lethal Tempo gives a burst of attack. Although both Orianna’s auto. The best option would be to last hit cannon minions, jungle minions and. Ekko wild rift counter tips: Pick a champion with high mobility. This would be her all-in level 5 combo. Rammus wild rift counter tips: Try to stand amongst creeps to avoid getting knocked-back by Rammus’s Powerball. ”. Nilah also heals herself and. For each stack, Wukong and his clones deal 3% increased damage to the target. You can attack Teemo when his Blinding Dart expires. When keeping her whip-blade, Nilah also deals 125 / 225 / 325 (+120% AD) physical damage and pulls nearby enemies toward her. In general, Sion will always be a great tank who can fill the role needed for his team. Preventing Draven from catching axes will significantly lower his damage output. See which champion is the better pick with our Wukong vs Kayn matchup statistics. Active: Empowers his next attack to deal an additional 37 physical damage (30. Passive: Gains 150 range for his next attack after casting an ability for 5 seconds. Akali wild rift counter tips: Coordinated ganks and aggressive play before she reaches level 6 are effective ways to stop her. Use items that provide Grevious Wounds like: Mortal Reminder or Morellonomicon. Shyvana uses a mixture of both AD and tank items that allow her to deal damage and survive. Make sure you swap your summoner spell to Smite. Be cautious when fighting an Olaf with low hp. Trinity Force is a great item for Shyvana and a core item that you must pick up early on. Fizz wild rift. We'll be looking at Wukong's Builds, Counters, Combos, Tips, Runes, S. Renekton uses a mixture of both damage and tank items that work well with his kit. Learn Vex's abilities in detail, the best items to build, which skills to level first, and. Wukong Wild Rift combo for beginners: By learning optimal ability combos for Wukong, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly and safely. Amumu Build. Renekton wild rift counter tips: Pay attention to Renekton’s fury bar, as he will most likely play aggressive when it turns red. § Black Cleaver +350 health making you tanker. League of Legends Wild Rift is an online MOBA game featuring over 80 champions in battle. – Great escape with her ultimate. He’s weak before level 6 and can’t kill you without teammates. Strong waveclear. Veigar. Always try to hit the Vitals. Using bladesurge on an enemy champion instantly uses the spellblade passive allowing it to deal more damage. . Wukong is definitely viable in the top lane. Alistar’s Headbutt)Wukong vs Kayn Matchup Summary. This rune augments Jinx’s late. Zeri wild rift counter tips: Play overwhelm Zeri before level 6 and try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. Also my clone seems worthless since his stun is too fast to dodge and his ult and first ability are point and click so it’s guesswork on predicting his trade and a long CD if you’re wrong. Iceborn Gauntlet. Do not group to close together as Miss Fortune will be able to hit your whole team with her Ultimate. League of Legends Wild Rift Nasus is a Juggernaut Champion commonly played in the Baron Lane. Debes recordar que algunos campeones tienen mecánicas complejas, te recomiendo que los practiques primero en la herramienta de práctica de League of. Avoid fighting in the jungle. When Riven bought at least these three pieces in her build, she performed significantly better against Wukong than with many other common item sets. When starting the game, Veigar has to be a little bit more passive. Quicksilver Enchant: Removes all crowd control (except knock-ups and knock-backs) effects currently affecting you, and gain 50% bonus movement speed for. Kaisa wild rift counter tips: Fighting near minions will be helpful as they will block some of her damage. Matches. MasterYi wild rift. When playing this in the Solo Lane, we rank it as a B-Tier pick. Try to coordinate an assault against her early. As soon as you reach level 2, you can pounce on the prey and immediately force him to at least lose the flash. You DO NOT want to pick Evelynn or Graves as they will most likely lose to Rammus. Skill 3 (first cast) -> Skill 3 (second cast when near the opponents you want to stun) -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2 -> AA. Slip through the shadows and slash your opponents with Kayn and Aatrox! Play as 5 Yuumi’s and pounce all over your foes in the new game mode One For All! We also have new items, runes, balance changes, as well as updates to the jungle! Welcome to Patch 3. Ornn wild rift counter tips: Continually adjust your lane positioning to prevent being hit by Ornn’s skill 3 (Searing Charge). Divine Sunderer is another excellent item for Irelia. Mundo or Galio as they will most likely lose to Riven. Pha3erAU • 7 hr. You DO NOT. You DO NOT want to pick Galio or Kennen as they will most likely lose to Nasus. It focuses on the magic damage scaling of Kayle. Hookshot (3) This ability has 2 casts. Shyvana wild rift counter tips: Try poking her down early. League of Legends Wild Rift Galio Counters are Fiora, Darius, and Tryndamere, which have the best chance of winning Galio in the lane. EXCESSIVE FORCE: Vi’s next attack blasts through her target, dealing damage to enemies behind it. His ultimate Cyclone can crowd control a whole team and you can be a. 3 item counter, general counter, and more here. Irelia Build. For his runes, you may opt for the following, depending on his needs, the matchup and compositions. By building Divine Sunderer, Black Cleaver and Death's Dance his Attack Damage will slice through squishy champions, and the Ability Haste means you can keep using your dashes to chase down more mobile enemies. Avoid the bush, he has the ability to silence you and deal a great. First Strike is his main rune as it grants true damage to Corki while also providing gold on damage caused on the enemy. Reposition quickly with Lunge, then follow it up with Bladework to hit the enemy twice in a short span of time. The best way to counter wukong is to sustain, wukong plays like a bruiser assassin. Wukong vs Teemo Matchup Summary. When he ultimate, try to dodge his shurikens so he will not have a lot of dommage. Active: Empowers his next attack to deal an additional 37 physical damage. 6% Win Rate 76% Pick Rate Wukong In the Jungle Counters: 40 counter champions. Best combo for Jax: This combo takes advantage of the double auto-attack reset Jax has in his kit to make a positive trade with the opponent. See which champion is the better pick with our Gragas vs Wukong matchup statistics. You need stay over 25% health at all times when solo with Urgot. 1% max hp regen. There is another composition that can win games. Tips and tricks for how to play Wukong and counter your enemies.